types of fences

The Pros and Cons of the Various Types of Fences

If you’re one of the 65.1% of Americans who call themselves a homeowner, you likely are always on the lookout for new ways to protect and to customize your property.

A new fence does both of these things. That’s why we’re going to talk today about the many types of fences on the market that you can choose from, so read on for some information on how to make your house stand out!

Metal Fencing

Metal fencing is pretty common for those looking for something attractive and durable. Usually, steel or aluminum will be chosen as fencing material. However, these materials aren’t all they’ve cracked up to be. Read on to learn why.


  • Aluminum and steel fences are generally pretty low-maintenance. All you’ll need to do is hose them down every once in a while and they’ll stay clean.
  • Metal fencing is pretty inexpensive, but since you’ll need to replace it often, this is a pretty moot point.


  • Metal fencing may sound durable in theory, but many people don’t account for the fact that they’ll rust. Since fencing is constantly subjected to the elements outdoors, it’s only natural that water will set in metal fencing and slowly erode at it. Although some metal fences come with a ‘protective coating,’ this coating generally comes off fairly quickly.
  • You can’t really paint a metal fence in a color that matches your home, meaning that you have very limited ways of expressing yourself with these styles.
  • Metal fences are lacking in privacy because anyone who walks by can see through the pickets. If you have children, a pool, or are just a generally private person, this can be a concern.

Wood Fencing

Metal fencing isn’t the best, but wood fencing? It’s pretty great, as long as you know the right kind of wood to get. In this section, we’re going to talk about some of the most common types of wood fencing on the market so that you can choose the material that works best for you.

Ipe Wood Fencing: The Superior Wood

Ipe wood is the best wood on the market in terms of quality and value. It’s the perfect fencing material in pretty much all ways, and here’s why.


  • Ipe wood is one of the hardest woods that you can find and use when building fencing. For this reason, it will last you for many, many years and can withstand harsh weather conditions.
  • This material is absolutely gorgeous. By the time we sell it to you, it’s been shined and buffed to perfection, and once this happens there won’t be a single blemish in sight.
  • The natural color is also beautiful. In addition to the lack of knots, knobs, and unnatural grain, the color of this wood is a rich, shining brown with hints of black.


  • Ipe wood, because of its high quality, is a bit more expensive than Cumaru or Garapa wood.

Cumaru Wood Fencing

Cumaru wood is an incredibly gorgeous and unique Brazilian wood. If you want to show off your good taste, you may want to consider its many aesthetic and practical merits.


  • First off, Cumaru is a gorgeous lumber. It’s generally a medium brown, which would be unremarkable but for the hints of purple in it. This not only draws eyes to it but also gives it a magical feeling that you’re sure to be proud of.
  • It’s definitely cheaper than Ipe is, so if you’re looking to save a bit of money, this is the wood for you.
  • Cumaru is durable in all of the same ways that other hardwoods are.


  • Cumaru is slightly lower on the hardness scale than Ipe wood is.
  • Unlike Ipe, Cumaru has knots and blemishes in the grain. However, many people believe this to give it character, so it isn’t always a bad thing.

Garapa Wood Fencing

Garapa wood is an inexpensive alternative to Ipe or Cumaru fencing. Though it may be an ‘inferior’ alternative, it’s still pretty awesome.


  • If you don’t care what your wood looks like because you’re going to paint over it- which is a totally valid thing to do- Garapa wood is probably the right way to go. While it is an attractive wood in its own right, it’s pretty cheap, so those who want to save a buck (and are going to paint the wood anyway) might as well choose this option.
  • If you don’t want to paint but like lighter-toned woods, Garapa’s yellow tone is also for you. It’s unique, noticeable, and interesting.


  • Though Garapa wood is indeed durable, it’s less than half as hard as Ipe and Cumaru wood. This means that it’s more susceptible to rot and warping than the other woods on this list (though not overly susceptible.)

Styles of Fencing

No matter what type of wood fencing you choose to go with, there are options as to the styles of wood that you can get. Pre-grooved fencing and eased-edge fencing are both great options that hold your fence together to make it sturdy and strong. Read on to compare and contrast the benefits of these two types of pickets.

Pre-grooved Fences

Pre-grooved wood was originally made to be decking, but it’s a great tool for constructing a privacy fence, too.

Pre-grooved privacy fences basically have slots cut into each side of the board so that they can fit together using hidden fasteners. This makes it so no one can see through the fence (that serves the purpose of a solid wall).


  • There won’t be any external screws to tarnish the surface of your fencing.
  • Grooved fences are easy to install.
  • These options are unlikely to come apart because they were literally made to fit together.


  • Pre-grooved fences cost more than their eased-edge counterparts.
  • It’s easy to get the incorrect size fasteners to assemble your fence. This isn’t strictly a ‘con,’ but you’ll need to double-check everything.

Eased-Ege Fences

Eased-edge wood is pretty much just wood that hasn’t been pre-grooved. It has somewhat rounded surfacing for the purposes of getting rid of sharp corners that you could cut yourself on, though.


  • They cost less than pre-grooved alternatives.
  • You can use screws of any size when assembling your fence.
  • The edges are blunted, so it’s almost impossible to hurt yourself on them.
  • If you want space between pickets, this is pretty much your only option.


Choose Between Types of Fences Today

There are many types of fences to choose from, and which one is best for you depends on personal taste and specific needs.

Now that you know all the woods and styles of fencing that you can work with, it’s time to talk to an expert! Click here to contact us and ask any questions you may have about the materials you can use for fencing.

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