

Ipe Square Footage Calculator

Don’t know your square footage? This calculator will give you the square footage of any area no matter if it is a room, deck, side of house, side of building or fence.

Ipe Square Feet to Linear Feet Calculator

No need to enter the width or length of a room. You can skip right to the square footage if you already know it. Enter your total square footage of the space and then the width of the board you want to use. Your result will be the amount of linear feet you need of that board. Don’t forget to order a few extra boards for waste. Generally it is advised that you order 7%-10% extra to account for cuts and waste depending on the skill level and experience of the person that is installing the Ipe.

 How to Calculate for Your Project

Simply measure the width and length of your Ipe deck, fencing or siding space. Then times the two numbers together. I.E. 20ftx20ft is 400 feet. This is the total square footage you need.  That is what the square footage calculator above is for. Then take that number and enter it into the square feet to linear feet calculator above with the width of boards you will be purchasing. The result of this calculation is how many linear feet you need.

Contact us with any questions you may have! We are happy to assist you!