If you have purchased Tigerwood decking then you are probably very pleased that you will shortly be the envy of your friends, family, and neighbors.
However, to ensure your decking looks the part and stands the test of time it is important you properly maintain it. As well as creating a proper routine for cleaning and repair, there are some specific tips and tools that are useful for cleaning Tigerwood decking.
Here’s what you need to know.

What is Tigerwood Decking?
Tigerwood is a special type of wood from Africa or South America. It has an orange hue and dark vein stripes. This gives it an exotic and mystic feel that is unlike any other wood that can be used for decking.
It is also known as Congowood, courbaril, zorrowood, bototo, muiracatiara, Brazilian Koa or African walnut.
These trees dominate the forests in which they grow, reaching as high as 80 feet, and becoming so valuable that some African nations have placed export restrictions on them. So you are very lucky if you have managed to get hold of some Tigerwood.
One of the reasons Tigerwood is so popular is because it has a much stronger resistance to rot or decay than other decking woods.
Tigerwood is also a lot more capable of taking footprints and scratching than other types of wood. So, although it is more expensive than other types of decking, it should stand the test of time.
It can be a great addition to a garden if you are considering upgrading your porch or patio this summer.
However, even Tigerwood will decay eventually if it is not installed properly and then cleaned and tended to on a regular basis.
Installing Tigerwood
To prevent problems with Tigerwood in the future there are a number of tips and trips you can follow during the installation process.
Be Careful About Surfaces Where You Install Tigerwood
It is important to make sure that Tigerwood doesn’t touch any surfaces that might allow moisture or damp to collect underneath it. These include roofs, concrete or wood that has been green treated.
Ignoring this advice can lead to the Tigerwood bending and contorting in ways which might eventually lead to you having to replace some planks.
Avoid Direct Contact With Iron
Iron can create oxidation when it touches with wood and this can leave horrible black marks over your beautiful wood. If you are having a garden party then be sure to insist your family and friends use non-metallic coasters for placing their drinks down on the floor.
If you are using a barbeque made from iron then be careful that it doesn’t have prolonged exposure to the wood. This should not be too difficult if the wheels are made from a different material. But to be on the safe side move the barbeque away from the decking and onto the grass.
A Simple Cleaning Routine
Some wood decks need a variety of tools and chemicals to ensure they get cleaned properly and do not end up damaged.
Tigerwood has a straight forward cleaning process. A regular power wash of perhaps once a week is all your Tigerwood needs to look the part again. There is no need for re-stains or bleaching.
Deck Oil
One crucial part of the cleaning ritual for Tigerwood is the application of deck oil twice a year for the first few years after installing it.
Deck oil is relatively easy to come by. You can find it at most DIY or hardware stores. It is also straight-forward to apply.
After a few years of twice-annual coats, you can stop applying deck oil as the wood will have been broken in enough that it can handle normal everyday weathering.
Moisture Content
The most important thing to consider when maintaining your Tigerwood deck is ensuring that no water has got in between the cracks. This could see your Tigerwood start to rot.
Often the moisture won’t be easy to spot, particularly if it is just a few drops. But there is a scientific way of checking this. The sooner you catch any moisture, the sooner you can put a stop to it, stemming any long term damage.
Tigerwood will generally be dried by the manufacturer before it reaches you to reduce any natural moisture. However, the wood has been taken out of its natural climate in the forest or jungle and this will no doubt affect it. We are looking for a natural balance, known as relative humidity.
One way of checking this is with a wood moisture machine. Often these machines will have programmable settings for Tigerwood to ensure you get an accurate reading.
Tigerwood – Worth The Money?
Tigerwood is a premium product that can really make your garden stand out amongst the crowd.
It costs more than most wood used for decking. This can put many customers off. But it is important to remember that it lasts a lot longer than ordinary wood decking and you do not need to hunt for complicated products to properly maintain it, such as bleach.
Tigerwood is therefore worth the investment. However, only if it is installed properly and you understand that it will need extra attention in the first years after installation.
Taken from the forests of Africa and South America, it is important to understand that Tigerwood is being imported from a completely different climate and will need to be tended to as it adjusts to your garden.
But after this process has taken place, Tigerwood decking becomes a breeze to maintain.
If you are interested in purchasing decking be sure to check out our price list today.